The total supply of Metano tokens is capped at 10 billion.

Public Sales
Allocated for Space Exploration Initiatives
Team & Marketing
Private Investors
As the Metano token attains a valuation of $0.35 USD per token, our foundation is poised to allocate 30% of the funds from our holdings to support space exploration endeavors. This allocation includes 20% specifically set aside for SpaceX, intended to aid their vital missions to Mars, contingent on their agreement. The remaining 10% is designated for NASA and select leading space research organizations, depending on their acceptance of these funds. To ensure the most effective use of these resources, we will consult with expert legal and financial advisors. Our goal is to strategically direct these contributions to significantly advance the field of space exploration, making a meaningful impact in this domain.
$0.35 USD per token
Our foundation commits to allocating
of the funds derived from our holdings towards advancing space exploration.

As the Metano token attains a valuation of $0.35 USD per token, our foundation is poised to allocate 30% of the funds from our holdings to support space exploration endeavors. This allocation includes 20% specifically set aside for SpaceX, intended to aid their vital missions to Mars, contingent on their agreement. The remaining 10% is designated for NASA and select leading space research organizations, depending on their acceptance of these funds. To ensure the most effective use of these resources, we will consult with expert legal and financial advisors. Our goal is to strategically direct these contributions to significantly advance the field of space exploration, making a meaningful impact in this domain.

The specific allocation of these funds will be carefully planned and will also include:

Research and Development

Some funds will be allocated to research and development initiatives that align with our mission to advance space exploration technology and innovation.

Educational Programs

We may dedicate a portion of the funds to educational programs that promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, inspiring the next generation of space enthusiasts.

Space Missions and Projects

Investments may be made in specific space missions, projects, or technologies that align with our vision for the future of space exploration.

Transparency and Reporting

We are committed to transparency in our actions. Regular reports and updates will be provided to the Metano community and the public to ensure accountability and demonstrate the impact of the donated tokens.

Disclaimer: The Metano Foundation is not affiliated with or endorsed by NASA or SpaceX. All references to these organizations are for illustrative purposes, showcasing potential future collaborations and ambitions.